All therapies are done through a holistic mind body spirit approach which may include but not limited to one or more of the following techniques:
Acupuncture, Energy Healing, Reiki, Oriental Herbs, Western Herbs, Dietary Supplements, Hypnosis and a personalized self assistance program in order to accelerate self healing.
Common conditions that benefit from therapy are:
addictions, anxiety, cancer, depression, energetic obstacles, enhanced intuition, fertility, focus, hormonal balance, immune system
menopause, symptoms, pain management, pre & post surgery recovery, relationships, sinus, stress, etc.
Acne - Get help through natural solutions with Natural Healing Inc. acne products for all types of acne from mild to severe. The treatment includes a deep facial cleansing, instructions on natural ways to control your personal acne challenge.
Spots - consist of one or more of the following techniques : microdermabrasion, natural peeling, electro-coagulation system, depending on the depth of the spots.You will receive personal home care instructions.
Natural Peel - A non chemical peel which removes the skin. It can be used to remove scars, spots, wrinkles and dead skin.
Non Surgical Face Lift - Tightens the skin to removes fine lines, wrinkles and breaks up pigment. It may include microdermabrasion, radio frequency system, electro - stimulation and ultrasound, personal aging prevention instructions.
Facial Veins - Are removed through an electro-cogulation system.
Cellulite - may include microdermabrasion, vacuum therapy, cavitation, radio frequency. Personal instructions for prevention.
Hair Removal - includes transdermal or electro-coagulation system.
Localized Fat Reduction - this treatment is accompanied with a diet and exercise program. It may consist of the use of Cavitation, lipolaser, radion frequency, lymphatic drainage and body wrap treatments.
Scars - Removal of all types of scars through the use of one or more of the following : microdermabrasion, natural peel, ultrasound.
Skin Tags - Are removed through an electro-coagulation system.
Stretch Marks - Diminished to a minimum through the use of microdermabrasion, ultrasound, and radio frequency.
Ask about our package rates available for
Healing Sessions and Body Treatments.