Often hyper pigmentation can be caused by hormonal issues or deficient liver function. Excess estrogen is a contributing factor to Malasma. There are natural supplements that assist with the internal aspect of this condition.
Burdock Root (blood purifier)
Milk Thistle (helps liver function)
Selenium (cellular repair)
Insomnia is a common problem that the average person experiences, It is an especially common symptom for post menopausal women. A simple combination of natural supplements can remedy most of these situations. But they must all be taken at the same time approximately a half hour before bedtime.
Melatonin (10mg)
Magnesium (400mg)
Selenium (200mcg)
Kava Kava (for stress relief and not to be used if sun exposure is expected)
The immune system often gets weakened due to stress, improper diet, lack of rest and substance abuse. These natural supplements will strength the immune system and in the case of Colloidal Silver and garlic they can act as a natural antibiotic.
Colloidal Silver
Echinacea and Goldenseal